Lucas Entertainment Paixao topped by Tomas Brand Tomas pounds Paixao in a hardcore session from Lucas.
Lucas Entertainment Alex Cabrera fucked by Tomas Brand Tomas tops Alex in a 'Slam That Ass' episode from Lucas Entertainment.
Lucas Entertainment Vincent O’Reilly topped by Tomas & Allen Vincent takes two in a 'Macho Daddy Meat' episode from Lucas Entertainment.
Lucas Entertainment Vincent O’Reilly topped by Tomas & Rafael Vincent takes two in a 'Pounded by Papi' episode from Lucas Entertainment.
Lucas Entertainment Joaquin Santana & Alfonso Osnaya with Tomas Brand Tomas tops two in a 'Busting Some Ass' episode from Lucas Entertainment.
Lucas Entertainment Lex Vargas fucked by Tomas Brand Tomas tops Lex in a 'Daddy and His Admirers' scene from Lucas Entertainment.
Lucas Entertainment Oliver Hunt & Tomas Brand flip Tomas tops Oliver in an 'Open Up For Daddy' scene from Lucas Entertainment.