8teenBoy Brian Gibson & Spencer Locke swap screws Brian bangs and bottoms for Spencer in 'Packed' from Helix.
Helix Jacob Hansen & Tristan Adler photoshoot Jacob and Tristan pose for photographer (and fellow Helix model) Ashton Summers.
Helix Johnny Hands humps Ashtin Bates Ashtin's taunted, teased and topped in 'Kinky Hands' from Helix Studios.
Helix Ashton Summers screws Caleb Gray Caleb's can's crammed full of Ashton in a #Helix episode from Helix Studios.
8teenBoy Jimmy Andrews & Trevor Harris flip-fuck Jimmy and Trevor take turns both ways in 'Fresh Load' from Helix.
Helix Jacob Hansen & Zach Letoa flip Jacob gives and takes in 'Zach’s First Flip' from Helix Studios.